AusCycling (Victoria)
2019 Bright Brewery Tour of Bright (VRS) - Individuals (Wave 2 and 3)

Fri, 29 Nov 2019 - Sun, 1 Dec 2019
Entries open
Fri, 11 Oct 2019 12:00 noon AEDT
Entries close
Sun, 24 Nov 2019 11:59 PM AEDT
Pay online by
Thu, 28 Nov 2019 12:00 AM AEDT

Individual Riders Listing

This listing is for individual entries only.
Team members please enter here.

Tour of Bright (VRS)

Round 7 of the 2019 'Towards Zero' Victorian Road Series

Friday, 29 November - Sunday, 1 December 2019


The Tour of Bright is the seventh and final event in the 2019 'Towards Zero' Victorian Road Series.

Event type: 3 stage race (time trial, 2 road races)
Eligible membership categories: J17 (born in 2003 and holding a 2020 J19 licence), J19, U23, Elite, Masters*
Race categories: Elite Men ABC, Women ABC, Masters Men ABC, Masters 6+
Entry fees: $195 per rider + payment card fee
Entries close: Midnight on Sunday 24 November 2019

*Masters licence holders are not eligible to enter any of the Elite Men categories (EMA, EMB, EMC). Masters aged riders wishing to compete in the Elite category must hold an Elite race membership. Upgrades can be done through Cycling Australia (

Entry process

The Tour of Bright has a wave entry.

Wave 1: Teams (from Friday, 4 October 2019)

Only for registered VRS, NRS or UCI teams. Teams can enter and pay for placeholders and nominate the final rider list later. Team entry link

Wave 2: VRS Eligible Only (from Friday, 11 October 2019)

Only for riders that have competed in at least 2 VRS* events in 2019.

Qualified events: Fred Icke, Mansfield Tour, Baw Baw Classic, Tour of East Gippsland, Tour of the South West, Caribbean Classic

Wave 3 from Friday, 18 October 2019

For all other riders.

Entries close at midnight on Sunday, 27 November 2019

Please note that upon entering every rider's status will automatically come up as 'provisionally entered' which means that the entry is confirmed. Once the grading has been confirmed, the status will change to 'entered'. If a grade sells out, riders will be listed as 'waitlisted' or 'doubtful'.

Team entries

Team riders (A-Grade only): All riders racing as part of a team (A grade categories only) in the event must enter via the team registration form through this page.

Criterium option

An open criterium runs alongside the Tour of Bright for categories: Men's A, Women's A, and Open. Entry is optional and charged at $50 per rider, or $40 if entered at the same time as the Tour of Bright. Tick the Criterium box in the entry and you will be included.

Race details

Event details can be found here


  • A valid Cycling Australia Race membership is required, in the category J19 or older (regional memberships accepted).
  • Full Race memberships only. One week or 2-month trial memberships will not be accepted, as they are for club events only.
  • Masters aged riders wishing to compete in the Elite category must hold an Elite race membership.
  • J17 riders (born in 2003) must have a 2020 J19 membership to take part.


The Tour of Bright is the seventh and final event in the 2019 'Towards Zero' Victorian Road Series.

More information about the VRS at

Contact Information

Cycling Victoria

Annina Gallagher

Entry prices

Online pricing:

Tour of Bright

Riders in the Tour of Bright receive a $10 discount off their Criterium entry (optional).

Prices are per-event.

A payment card fee may apply (calculated at checkout).
