AusCycling (Victoria)
Timed Gate Start Session #2

Sat, 15 Feb 2025 - Sun, 16 Feb 2025
Entries open
Wed, 29 Jan 2025 12:00 noon AEDT
Entries close
Wed, 12 Feb 2025 11:59 PM AEDT
Pay online by
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 11:00 PM AEDT


  • UPDATED Race Schedule TBC

  • Final Race Program and Results Link TBC


Event Type

Gate Start Timed Session for U15 to Masters. Riders can choose to complete a TT or IP at full competition distance for their 2025 track age category.

The timed gatestart session will be held on Saturday 15th February, 2025.



Eligible Age Categories and Membership Requirements

  • U15: 2011 + 2012
  • U17: 2009 + 2010
  • U19: 2007 + 2008
  • Elite: 1996 - 2006
  • Masters: Up to 1995

Riders must hold a valid AusCycling Race All Discipline membership

Trial/temporary memberships cannot be accepted as they cover riders for club level events only.

Event Categories

  • Men and Women U15, U17, J19, Elite, Masters

Entry Fees

  • $30 (+ credit card fees)

Late entries may be approved at the discretion of AusCycling (a late entry fee of $10 per event may be charged).

Refunds: Riders can scratch and receive a refund by logging into their Entryboss account using the Scratch button before entries close. No refunds under any circumstance will be granted after entries close.

IMPORTANT: After a successful entry the rider will automatically be given the status provisionally entered. This is normal and means the entry has officially been registered. The status won’t change until grading and membership have been confirmed by an AusCycling staff member.

The status ‘doubtful’ or ‘waitlisted’ generally means the event category has reached it’s capacity and a rider has been moved to a waitlist.

Event Details

This is the second of a series of timed gate start sessions at DISC Velodrome, through the 2024-2025 track season.

This is an opportunity for riders to have a gate start under competition settings and set a time in their chosen discipline of the Time Trial or Individual Pursuit.

Riders will complete the distance in their age category for the 24/25 track season.

Each rider completing their chosen discipline will receive lap splits and total distance time, recorded with handheld stopwatch.

Each rider will get two gate start efforts, which can be two TT or two IP efforts, or the rider can choose to attempt a TT and IP.

This will give the rider a representative time which may assist with training for the State Championships. This will help rider familiarity with the countdown clock and release of the start gate in simulated competition setting.


Opens at 12pm and will be located at the registration desk in the infield.

All riders must check in to ensure laps counters are set for the rider's age category. Registration will close at 12:50pm

Race Format and Regulations

Riders will start from the gas-operated startgate, with competition countdown.

To be provided with a representative time for the TT or IP, riders must compete the full distance


Riders should be at the waiting area for their start at least five minutes before their attempt. We will call riders to the start and within reason, will wait for riders to present for their effort.

Due to time constraints we will start the next rider on the list if the scheduled rider fails to present within a reasonable time. The rider that fails to present for their effort may be able to complete their effort, depending on available time for the session.

Presentations and Prizes

Riders will be provided with the total time for their TT or IP effort, along with the lap splits. Please see the commissaire or timing person for your results.


Volunteers are required to assist during for this event.

Starter: Trigger the start of the countdown. Timing: Hand-held stopwatch and record results Start-gate operator

If you wish to volunteers or are able to provide a volunteer entry please contact Steven Nicol (



Venue and Facilities Coordinator
Steven Nicol

Entry prices

Online pricing:

Regular entry

A payment card fee may apply (calculated at checkout).

Actions available