Highlands Trails
Fitzroy Falls 2 hour race

Sun, 7 Apr 2024
Entries open
Thu, 11 Jan 2024 9:00 AM AEDT
Entries close
Sat, 06 Apr 2024 4:15 PM AEDT
Pay online by
Sun, 07 Apr 2024 10:00 AM AEST

Event Summary

2 hour race, Twin Falls Cottages, Fitzroy Falls, Sunday 7th April, 2pm.

Ride the two hours solo or enter as a pair and take turns completing laps! If you previously entered as solo and want to change your entry to a team, or if you want to ride in a team but don't have a teammate, just email Meaghan.stanton@bigpond.com.

Please note all entry is online - CUTOFF is at 10:00am on Sunday, so that we have time to print start lists etc before heading to the track.

This two hour race will be held on a loop of around 5-6km. Race for two hours (or less if you like) and complete as many laps as you can in that time, either in your own or in a team. Number plate pickup any time after 12:45pm, racing at 2pm for all categories.

Riders may do a practice lap around the course between 12:30pm-2:00pm, before racing begins, if they wish.

There are categories for all ages, from beginners and young kids to experienced racers. $10 adults, $5 children.

U9s and U11s can race in the U13 category, which has been combined to allow for riders of different ages to ride together. If there are team that are exclusively U11 or U9 and there are more than 3 of these teams, they will be given their own category.

New members welcome!

To enter you will need a valid AusCycling Race Licence. Please go to Membership on the AusCycling website if you are not currently a member.

Note: U17s are turning 13-16 in 2023. U13s are turning 11-12 in 2023. U11s are turning 9-10 in 2023 and may ride a modified course. Riders who are U11 and want to complete the adult course can enter U13s. U9s are turning anything up to 8 in 2023 and will ride a modified course.

Any problems with entry, please email meaghan.stanton@bigpond.com.

Entry Categories

Open male solo
Open male 50+ solo
Open female solo
Open e-bike solo
Open male pairs
Open female pairs
Open mixed pairs
E-bike pairs
U17 male pairs
U17 female pairs
U17 mixed pairs
U13 pairs

Ages as at 31st December


  • Juniors (to U17): $5
  • Seniors (U19+): $10


Twin Falls Bush Cottages, Throsby Road, Fitzroy Falls


w: https://www.highlandstrails.com.au f: https://www.facebook.com/southernhighlandstrails

About Highlands Trails

In 2022, Highlands Trails took over the responsibility of running all mountain bike events in the Southern Highlands. Previously Southern Highlands Cycling Club organised events in road, track and MTB, but they now specialise in only road and track. Highlands Trails has cared for the trails of Wingello for many years and has now taken on the custodianship of looking after all mountain bike trails in the Southern Highlands. We are a family oriented club, looking to promote riding in the beautiful Southern Highlands area of NSW. Please visit our website www.highlandstrails.com.au for additional information.

Entry prices

Online pricing:

Regular Entry
Juniors (to U17)
Highlands Trail Members
HT Junior Members

Entry is per rider. Please provide a TEAM NAME at entry if racing PAIRS.