Startlist for Nundah Criterium - Saturday 4th March 2023 (Inc B Grade Points Race)

Published at: Fri, 03 Mar 2023 7:36 PM AEST as provisional startlist - subject to change.

Category Participant Club/Team
A grade BARTLETT, James University of Queensland CC
A grade BEIKOFF, Joshua Ipswich CC
A grade BETTLES, Carter Brisbane Cycling Club
A grade BLADEN, Nick Balmoral Cycling Club
A grade BOSCHMA, Nathan Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club/Wolf Racing Team
A grade BURGESS, Jayden University of Queensland cc
A grade CAMPBELL, Robert Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club/CCN
A grade COLLINS, Sebastian Balmoral Cycling Club
A grade COOK, Michael Balmoral Cycling Club
A grade DUGGAN, Shannon University of Queensland CC
A grade ERNST, Gary Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade FISCHER, Herbert UQCC
A grade GRASSO, Daniel Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade HAYDEN, Mia GCCC
A grade HAYDON-SMITH, Rohan Balmoral CC/ Balmoral elite team
A grade HINDMARSH, Kurt University of Queensland CC
A grade HOLLONDS, James University of Queensland CC
A grade HORN, Bradley Brisbane Cycling Club
A grade JOHNSON, Anthony Queensland Uni
A grade KELLY, Adrian Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade KERBY, Jordan Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade KIMMINCE, Ethan Hamilton Wheelers CC
A grade LANE, Adam Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club/Wolf Racing Team
A grade LIDDELL, Sam Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade MAHONEY, Jeremy Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade MANN, Jordan Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade MCCLYMONT, Murray Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club | Wolf Racing
A grade MCDONALD, Bailey Camperdown Cycling Club
A grade MCDONOUGH, Benjamin Brisbane Cycling Club
A grade MCKINSTRY, Jack University of Queensland CC
A grade MCPHERSON, Ewan University of Queensland Cycling Club
A grade MILLER, Lachlan University of Queensland CC
A grade MILLER, Nick University of Queensland CC
A grade NEWCOMB, Stephen Lifecycle Cycling Club/ Futuro Tandem CC
A grade NEWMAN, Paul Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade PAN, Tzu I Hamilton Wheelers CC
A grade PANIZZA, James Balmoral Cycling Club
A grade PEDLER, Nick Hamilton Cycling Club
A grade POYNTER, Andy Hamilton Cycling Club
A grade ROBOTHAM, Rhys Balmoral Cycling Club
A grade RUDOLPH, Malcolm Fraser Coast Cycling Club
A grade SCHULTZ, Elliot Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade SHAW, Stu UQCC
A grade SWART, Bernie University of Queensland Cycling Club
A grade TOMKINSON, Tyler Balmoral Cycling Club
A grade TRAINOR, Sean Brisbane Cycling Club
A grade TREZISE, Declan UQCC
A grade TRUJILLO, Carlos University of Queensland CC
A grade TSEN, Ren Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade VENTER, Hannes Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
A grade WALSH, Finn Balmoral Cycling Club/CCACHE X PAR KUP
A grade WATTS, Sam University of Queensland Cycling Club
A grade WHITE, Nathan Brisbane Cycling Club
A grade WRIGHT, Macca Rockhampton Cycling Club
B grade ALTON, Imogen University of Queensland CC / Hamilton Wheelers add-on
B grade BARTLETT, Martin Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
B grade BOSSON, Neil Lifecycle HWCC UQCC- Watt Bomb Race Team
B grade BURTON, Scott Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
B grade CANE, Mark Hamilton Cycling Club
B grade CARNES, Isabelle Balmoral Cycling Club/UQCC
B grade CASARES, Fer University of Queensland CC / Brisbane Cycling Club
B grade COOPER, Glenn Logan City Cycling Club
B grade DAVY, Jason University of Queensland CC / Futuro Tandem CC
B grade DUTTON, Brad Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
B grade DUTTON, Brittany Hamilton Wheelers CC
B grade FREEBURN, Douglas UQ Cycling Club
B grade FRINO, Clint University of Queensland CC
B grade GIBSON, Daniel UQCC
B grade HAY, Andrew Brisbane Cycling Club
B grade HILL, Craig Balmoral Cycling Club
B grade HUANG, Junjie Moreton Bay Cycling Club/Splatt Lawyers Racing
B grade JOHNSTON, Shaylee University of Queensland CC
B grade LITCHFIELD, Ben University of Queensland CC
B grade MCINTYRE, Thomas UQCC / Obsidian
B grade MCNULTY, Jason Hamilton Wheelers
B grade MILES, Steve UQCC Argenic Racing
B grade MILLER, Brad Brisbane Cycling Club
B grade MOHR, Andrew Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club | IGNITION Project Racing
B grade MOYE, Richard Sunshine Coast CC
B grade RASKER, Kim Hamilton Wheelers CC
B grade SCHOUPPE, Aimee WCDI pb Balmoral CC
B grade SCHOUPPE, Vincent TaylorCycles | BNECC | UQCC | HWCC
B grade SLEIGH, Finn Brisbane Cycling Club
B grade SYMONS, Luke Balmoral Cycle Club
B grade TAYLOR, Flynn UQ Cycling Club
B grade TETLEY, Michael University of Queensland CC
B grade THOMPSON, Brad Balmoral Elite Team
B grade TSEN, Ren Han Hamilton Cycling Club
B grade WALDING, Ben Kangaroo Point CC
B grade WARE, David Brisbane Cycling Club
B grade WHITE, Darrin Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club / HOPE RACING
B grade WILSON, Georgia SCODY Racing p/b Balmoral CC
B grade WISSLER, Craig Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club | Hope Racing
C grade ANGUS, Brendon Sunshine Coast CC / Hope Racing
C grade BAUDINO, Gordon Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade BEER, Richard Kangaroo Point CC | Hope Racing
C grade BELL, Douglas ADFC
C grade BIRON, Anthony Balmoral Cycling Club
C grade BROWN, Craig Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade CATLIN, Julie SCCC / Solaris Racing p/b Suncoast Vet//HWCC
C grade CHALLEN, Philip Kangaroo Point CC
C grade CHAMBERLAIN, Lance Lifecycle Cycling Club Watt Bomb Racing
C grade CHAPMAN, John HWCC
C grade DOMINICE, Maya Women's Cycling Development Initiative pb Balmoral CC/BNECC/HWCC
C grade FINDLAY, Quinn Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade FORDE, Gerry HWCC
C grade GOSSOW, Kenny Hope Raceing |Hamilton Cycling Club | Moreton Bay Cycling club
C grade HANBURY, Emily Solaris Racing p/b SuncoastVet/HWCC
C grade HARTLEY, Kevin Logan Cycling Club
C grade HUGHES, Bryn University of Queensland Cycling Club
C grade HUGHES, Joseph Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade IVE, Clayton University of Queensland CC
C grade JAMES, Nick Hamilton Cycling Club
C grade JEFFRIES, Chris Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade KENNEDY, Jason Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade LAMONT, John Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade LOGAN, Andrew Brisbane Cycling Club
C grade MCCORMICK, Stuart Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade MCDONNELL, Jaxon Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club / Watt Bomb Race Team
C grade MCMAHON, Pat Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade NENDICK, Simon Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade NEWMAN, Josh Hamilton Wheelers CC
C grade NILSEN, Ceran Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade PEARSON, John Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade POINTING, Gavin Brisbane Cycling Club
C grade POTTS, Darren Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade RAFTER, Tannae Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade ROBERTS, Leah Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade ROEST, David Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade SEPULVEDA, Ivan Lifecycle Cycling Club / MOB Racing
C grade SEYMOUR, Daniel Brisbane Cycling Club
C grade STANGE, Arne Kangaroo Point Cycling Club
C grade WEIS, Gary Hamilton Wheelers | Hope Racing
C grade WHITAKER, Jarryd Lifecycle Cycling Club
C grade WILLIAMS, Dean Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
C grade WINDRAM, Brad Hamilton Wheelers CC
C grade YARROW, Maddison Lifecycle Cycling Club
D grade ALBA, Katerina Kangaroo Point Cycling Club
D grade BARBAN, Riccardo Hamilton Wheelers CC
D grade BURY, Eva Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade BURY, Matt Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade CAVDARSKI, Nick Hamilton Wheelers CC
D grade COOK, Jamie UQ Cycling Club | Hope Racing
D grade DONNELLY, Justin AusCycling,
D grade EGAN, Maggie Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade FLESSER, Kim Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade GALLACHER, Darren University of Queensland CC /Argenic Racing Team
D grade GOOSTREY, Anthony Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club/WCB pb Enpoint CCN
D grade HARKNESS, Colin Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade HOWKINS, Colin Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade HUGHES, Mhari Hamilton Wheelers
D grade KERR, Stuart Hamilton Cycling Club
D grade LEECH, Kirstin CCN/Hamilton Wheelers Cycling club
D grade MADIGAN, John Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade MCKIERNAN, Scott Redlands Cycling and Multisport Club
D grade MCLENNAN, Mark Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade MORRISON, Stuart Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade NIELSEN, Connor Brisbane Cycling Club / UQCC
D grade OGG, Robert Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade OVERELL, Robert Hamilton Wheelers CC
D grade PRICE, Mark Lifecycle Cycling Club
D grade PUIE, Arthur Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade SCHOEMAKER, Stephen Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade SCOTT, Lucie Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club | Solaris Racing pb Suncoast Vet
D grade SUTTON-DAVIES, Patricia Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
D grade THOMPSON, Paul Brisbane Cycling Club
D grade TURNBULL, Michael Hamilton Wheelers
D grade WATSON, Stephen Hamilton Wheelers CC
Juniors B CHAMBERLAIN, Lachlan Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club
Juniors C TULLY, Levi Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club