Round 2 of the CORC Cyclocross Series 2020 will be held in Stromlo. Note that due to the current COVID situation we are limiting entries to local riders only, meaning riders that live in ACT and the surrounding area (Queanbeyan). The course will be very similar to last race, but run in reverse. Unfortunately the mulchy hills are out, but we will add some new features.
Please get in touch at if you can help with course setting on Saturday afternoon.
Thanks to our series sponsors, Capital Brewing and the Smart Centre for their support.
We recognise both CA or MTBA licence for the event, the cost of entry is $15. If you don’t hold a licence, please complete a Free 2 Month Membership with MTBA if you are eligible prior to the event. Otherwise Day Licences will be available for $33.
For riders racing in B-Grade or C-Grade any bike is welcome, however for A-Grade Men, and A Grade-Women , in the spirit of cyclocross, a maximum tyre width of 35mm are required.
The Junior race is on the adults course for those kids after a bit more of a challenge before stepping up to C-Grade.
For Kids racing: please register as junior. Ignore the pricing info that says that kids do not need to register - this is pre-covid information that we are working to update.
Results The race is timed using the clubs electronic timing system and the results can be found by using this link
COVID 19 Briefing
-Do not attend if you are unwell
-Total attendence numbers (riders + officials + spectators) for this event is strictly limited
-Entries for this event is online only. If you forgot to register or the event is sold out, we will not accept on the day entries.
•One person per 4m2, maintain at least 1.5m between all persons
-Spacing at the start line will be larger than usual (1 person per 4m2)
-Follow good hygiene measures such as, cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow or a tissue, avoid touching the face, eyes, nose and mouth, dispose of tissues hygienically. No spitting & snot bombs!
-Hand sanitizer & cleaning wipes are available at numberplate pickup.
-No sharing of equipment
-No congregating post finish line. The approach for this race is 'get in, race, & get out'.
-All riders are encouraged to use the COVIDSAFE app.
-There will be no presentations. Results will be available online
Race Briefing
-Each grade will start separately with approximately 30seconds between each wave. The start order will be as follows:
Race 1: C Grade Men, followed by B grade women and Juniors(last)
Race 2: B grade Men, followed by A grade women.
Race 3: A grade men only
-We will have marked out spots for each rider at the start to maintain social distancing. Riders are asked to self-seed. If in doubt, start further back.
-All riders will need a number on their back and the right shoulder. The timing tag needs to be attached to the seatpost. Without a timing tag you will not get a result.
-All numbers and tags needs to be returned after the race, in the same ziploc bag you got it in.
-There will be multiple categories on course at the same time. If you are being caught by a rider in another category or you are being lapped please be courteous and let them through at the first safe opportunity. If you are the faster rider, please ask the rider in front to let you pass.
-The number of laps for each race will be determined based on laptime for the first lap, and the target racetime for each grade.
-Have fun and be kind to each other
-Please stick around and help pull down the bunting after the race
The Course will start near the start of Holden's Creek. A rough course map is below
Online pricing:
Juniors Race is free - please enter online. Kids (under 8) race free - no need to pre-register. Everyone racing the main categories, entry is $15 pre-reg or $15 on-the-day. Please pre-reg if possible. Volunteers race free