Adelaide Mountain Bike Club
2025 R04 XCM | O'Halloran Hill Twilight

Sat, 5 Apr 2025
Entries open
Entries close
Thu, 03 Apr 2025 6:00 PM ACDT
Scratch cut-off
Sat, 05 Apr 2025 5:00 PM ACDT
Pay online by
Sat, 05 Apr 2025 8:00 PM ACDT

XCM - O'Halloran Hill

Race 04 - 05th April 2024

The AMBC Cross Country Marathon (XCM) events are races where duos or solo competitors challenge themselves to complete as many laps of an extended cross country course over a 4 hour period. The winner is the competitor or duo that completes the most laps. Total race time is used to rank riders who complete an equal number of laps. Laps completed after the finish time limit will not be counted.

Twilight XCM racing is set in the evening, lights will be compulsory from dusk, any laps starting after 6:45PM require lights.

EntryBoss entries close 06:00PM Thursday 03rd April 2025

Scratching available up to 5:00PM on race day

If you have issues registering, email PRIOR to entries closing.

Late entries via Race Result

There is a $10 late entry fee

This system does not check your AC license, so make sure you bring proof on the day

If you're reading this and it's before cut-off, enter via Entry Boss


Format - Cross Country Marathon (XCM)


Specific course information will be released closer to the date
Course will be set up the day before unless noted otherwise. Please contact in advance if you would like to help setup the course.
XCM Courses are approximately 8-10km long and about 30 minutes for elite riders. Times may vary significantly due to track conditions. The trails used are generally Intermediate-Advanced and B-lines are provided where possible. AMBC may publish a proposed course, however we cannot guarantee that this will be the exact course used on race day due to the demands of the land owners, park managers, weather conditions and other factors.



* Presentations to be held shortly after each race finish
* Race start time is subject to change
* All laps to be completed within the time limit.
* Any laps finishing after the time limit will not be counted
* lights are compulsory for Laps starting from 5:30pm onwards

Scratching is permanent, if you only need to make a change, email


AMBC Requests that you consider the health and safety of others at the event. If you feel unwell, to help stop the spread of diseases like COVID and Influenza, please do not attend this event. We will refund your entry fee - send an email to if you've missed scratch cut off.

If you've been directed to quarantine by SA Health, you must comply with this order. Please do not attend our event.


We need you. These races happen with the good work done by our volunteers. If you are available to help set up or pack up or assist with anything else please get in touch with our volunteers coordinator via email:

Please lend a hand in packing down the event - many hands make light work.

The following volunteer roles make a significant difference to the ease of running an event:

Course pack-up

  • Usually 2-3 people on bikes to head out and pack-up areas of the race course
  • Sign on

  • Occupy a dry chair under the cover of a marque and hand out race plates using our digital sign on system


    A current AusCycling All-Discipline or Off-Road license is required to ride these events. Bring your license card, digital membership or proof of license with you to sign-on, just in case!

    If you don't have a membership head to the AusCycling memebrship page and sign up.


    Self seeded, ability based categories for XCM racing.
    Entries may be reviewed by the Race Director and Timekeeper

    Solo - 4 Hours

  • Men: A, B, C, D, U19 & E Bike
  • Women: A, B, C, U19 & E Bike

    Duo - 4 Hours

  • Duo Men
  • Duo Women
  • Duo Mixed
  • Duo E BIke
  • Duo U19 (includes U17 and U15 riders, no gender, any pairs)

    Junior 2 Hours

  • Solo Men: U17, U15
  • Solo Women: U17, U15
  • Duo U13 (no gender, any pairs, modified course)


    On the day, competitors will be issued with a race plate that contains a transponders as well. Cable ties are provided, although it is your responsibility to ensure that your race plate is visible and correctly mounted. This race plate is to be returned after the race.

    Results and live timing will be available from the clubs MyRaceResult page


    Specific parking arrangements for each race will be released closer to the date

    Car pool if you can. Save the environment and minimise your impact.


    Need to withdraw from the event? EntryBoss enables a self-serve refund if things change and you cannot make the event. Please use the scratch button to trigger a refund and automatically remove yourself from the start list.

    Please note the scratching cut-off as the button is not available after this time.
    Please email if this function is not available to you.

    If you have any questions, feel free to email for more information!

    Entry prices

    Online pricing:

    Senior Solo / Team Entrants
    Junior Solo / Team Entrants
    Little Shredders

    A payment card fee may apply (calculated at checkout).

    Actions available