Inside Line Mountain Bike Club
2025 Ride and Rego Shuttle Day! (For both club and state series)

Sun, 30 Mar 2025
Entries open
Entries close
Mon, 24 Mar 2025 7:00 PM ACDT
Scratch cut-off
Sat, 22 Mar 2025 9:00 PM ACDT
Pay online by
Sun, 30 Mar 2025 9:00 PM ACDT



CLICK HERE If you're new to racing, we recommend reading this document before registering, as it addresses several common questions.

If you have any questions either send us a message on our social media channels, or email us at


There are two cost components to participating in downhill racing:

1) AUSCYCLING MEMBERSHIP - This is an annual payment to our national federation, which includes club membership and insurance. Pricing varies by age and menbership type:

  • Under 13 : $109
  • Under 19 : $175
  • Over 18 : $224

Monthly payment plans are available, and you can also use Sports SA vouchers to cover the cost.

When selecting AusCycling membership, choose one of the following options:

  • Race Off-Road
  • Race All Discipline
  • 4 Week Trial (Free)
  • Day License (Note - day licenses are not allowed at state level events).

Please ensure you have signed up for an Auscycling licence here, before you register on entryboss.

If you can't remember your login from last year please reset it by messaging Entryboss directly. Any duplicate accounts will be canelled as they cause lots of trouble for our volunteers!

2) INSIDE LINE RACE FEES - Each race requires an entry fee:

Club Series

  • All categories except EBikes - $75
  • Ebikers (No shuttles) - $50

State Series

  • Elites / Under 19's - $115
  • EbBikers (No shuttles) $70
  • Everyone else - $105


$50 - Everyone including Ebikers (Ebikers can use the shuttle buses for this event only)


If this is your first year signing up to race, it is crucial to set up your accounts correctly.

  • Both your AusCycling and Entryboss accounts need to be setup in the racers name (Not the parents).
  • Your AusCycling and Entryboss accounts must match exactly. If they don’t, we won’t be able to verify your AusCycling license, and you won’t be able to race

Please ensure your accounts are setup as follows:

Racers First Name John John Do not use nicknames
Racers Second name McLean McLean
Date of Birth 01/10/2024 01/10/2024
Identification number AC123456 123456 Enter your AusCycling ID number into the Membership number box in your Entryboss profile, but remove the 'AC'


Fox Creek mountain Bike Park, Cudlee Creek SA 5232

Parking: Please do not park on the road as there should be enough space for all of us inside the park.

click here for the location map


A business will be selling hot food, and there will be coffee available for purchase.


When you arrive, please come to the caravan to get your name and race plate checked off.

If you are under 18 YOU MUST bring your parent / guardian to rego.

PARENTS & GUARDIANS A guardian is required to stay for the duration of the event.

Multiple tracks will be open on the day.

We will release more information about the event on the Wednesday, via emails and socials.

Caravan rego open 8:30am
Shuttles 9:00am to 3.00pm


IMPORTANT - Please make sure you select the correct category, as switching categories during the season is not allowed. (If you find you have chosen the wrong category such as elite instead of Sport, we may allow some discretion to move to a more suitable category, but all previous results will be void).

Note - If you are not racing Ebike category, you cannot use one for practice.

If you're unsure which category to enter, feel free to send us a message on Instagram or Facebook for assistance.

For juniors, you are assigned your category per your year of birth.

Older racers are provided with multiple options. They can choose to race in Elite (A grade), Sport (B grade), or elect to race their respective age bracket categories (30 to 39, 40 to 49 or 50+), or finally, if they have an Ebike they can elect to race that category.

Elite (A-Grade) 1946 to 2006 Elite is only available at state series races
Sport (B-Grade) 1946 to 2006
Veterans 1986 to 1995 For club series, Veterans, Masters and Super-Masters are combined into one category
Masters 1976 to 1985 For club series, Veterans, Masters and Super-Masters are combined into one category
Super Masters 1946 to 1975 For club series, Veterans, Masters and Super-Masters are combined into one category
Under 13’s 2013 to 2015 under 13 is only available at club series events
Under 15’s 2011 to 2012
Under 17’s 2009 to 2010
Under 19’s 2007 to 2008
E-Bike 1946 to 2006 Category for E-bikers. Shuttles provided for this event only!


This year we are focusing on getting everyone to help out so please put up your hand to help setup, packup, drive buses, marshall, collect or return trailers etc. The list is endless and we need all the help we can get.

To help make it easier for members to help out, we are going to run a couple of trackside marshalling discussions / demonstrations covering what to do, what not to do, radio use and how to respond to an incident. Marshalling is one of the largest volunteer requirements and we need all parents and riders to chip in.

We will look at a few less voluntary options if we have to stimulate the helping !


All registered racers must have the following:

  • Two working brakes
  • Bar plugs/ends on handlebars
  • Full-face helmet with a fixed non-detachable mouth-piece that satisfies the current Australian or equivalent international standards
  • A long sleeved shirt with sleeves that extend down to the riders wrists
  • Knees must be covered by
    • full length trousers OR
    • shorts of a type expressly designed for off-road cycling, AND
    • self-fastening knee OR knee/shin guards expressly designed for off-road cycling
  • Fully enclosed shoes
  • Body armour, goggles and neck braces are strongly recommended

The following clothing requirements are MANDATORY for riders in the U13, U15 and U17 categories:

  • Knee pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Full-finger gloves

NOTE: The Race Director reserves the right to deem any participants clothing or equipment unsatisfactory. It is up to the participant to ensure they meet the above minimum requirements for the purpose in which they are intended.



AusCycling have a strict concussion policy which is simply "if in doubt, sit them out". If concussion is suspected, the rider will be assessed by site first aid according to strict AusCycling guidelines. We leave the decisions to the experts - if our medical team suspect serious injury or concussion, a report will be filed with AusCycling and they will be unable to attend any Australian cycling event until their medical suspension has been cleared.

Riders please take care of each other and if you see someone coming off heavily and landing on their head, either knocking themselves out or looking disorientated please take note of their number and chat to them to make sure they dont get back on the bike. Afterwards let someone know of their plate number (track marshals, photographers, caravan crew, transport crew etc)

Link to AusCycling concussion policy: AusCycling concussion policy

What happens if I have concussion: AusCycling concussion return process


Unfortunately we have had to ban multiple racers from the club over the last few years.

With that in mind, all competitors MUST conduct themselves in a manner according to our club code of conduct.

The code applies to all people associated with our series. Inside Line wishes to operate in a nondiscriminatory environment where people show respect for others and their property. Please line up nicely at the back of the line, you will all get plenty of runs in.

We also operate in an environment free from harassment of any kind. We are a child-safe club and take our provision of a family friendly environment very seriously. All individuals are expected to show a commitment to Inside Line policies, rules, procedures, guidelines and agreements.

Unacceptable Behaviour

  • 'Sledging’ other athletes, officials or event organisers.
  • Excessive use of alcohol, acting in a way that becomes a public nuisance, or creating a public disturbance.
  • Damaging another person’s property or depriving them of that property
  • Not stopping or slowing down when there is a clear issue on the track such as a downed rider to the side of the track
  • Swearing, inappropriate comments or language

Let's be safe, enjoy riding our bikes and have some fun! :-)

EVENT WAIVER: By entering this event you are agreeing to our event waiver which lists out what the club & Auscycling are liable for. It is the riders responsibility to ensure they take care of themselves and their possessions including use of the bike trailers.

Event Waiver


Entryboss will still take your payment if you are waitlisted - this does not mean you are racing - we will let you know closer to race weekend if you have been entered to race or not.

Entries are capped each round. Entry Status as below

  • Entered = You are racing
  • Waitlisted = you are in the queue to replace someone who drops out (you have a good chance due to the number of covid cancellations)
  • Waitlisted Doubtful = It is unlikely you will be racing
  • Note: We normally publish startlists in the week of the race, you can find these in the original page listing.


    Entry prices

    Online pricing:

    Regular Entry

    A payment card fee may apply (calculated at checkout).

    Actions available