Published at: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 12:56 PM ACDT as provisional startlist - subject to change.
Category | Participant | Club/Team |
E-BIKE MEN | ATKINS, Warren | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
E-BIKE MEN | CAMPBELL, Peter | Inside Line mtb club |
E-BIKE MEN | HOMES, Rob | Inside Line Down Hill |
E-BIKE MEN | LESLIE, David | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
E-BIKE MEN | MEDDER, Nick | Inside Line mtb club |
E-BIKE MEN | PRING, Peter | Adelaide mtb club |
E-BIKE WOMEN | BROWN, Erin | Inside Line MTB Club |
E-BIKE WOMEN | JOHNSON, Elisa | Inside Line mtb club |
MASTERS MEN | CALLEN, Paul | Gravity Enduro SA |
MASTERS MEN | DENWOOD, Gary | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
MASTERS MEN | GARDNER, Kain | Port Adelaide Cycling Club |
MASTERS MEN | HICKS, Rohan | Gravity Enduro South Australia |
MASTERS MEN | KEYNES, Stuart | Inside Line MTB Club |
MASTERS MEN | KRAHNERT, Adam | Inside Line |
MASTERS MEN | LISSING, Nathan | ADF Cycling Club |
MASTERS MEN | MALPAS, Kevin | Inside Line Inc |
MASTERS MEN | NORRIS, Sean | Inside Line |
MASTERS MEN | PRIOR, Tim | Bike Melrose |
MASTERS MEN | SNEATH, Josh | Mount Gambier Mountain Bike Club Inc. |
MASTERS WOMEN | HARRIS, Julie | Inside Line mtb club |
MASTERS WOMEN | KRAHNERT, Ellen | Inside Line |
MASTERS WOMEN | MOORE, Carol | Inside Line MTB Club |
MASTERS WOMEN | MUNRO, Rose | Adelaide Mountain Bike Club |
MASTERS WOMEN | PRIOR, Dearne | Gravity Enduro South Australia |
MENTOR | CROUCH, David | Inside Line |
MENTOR | EDWARDS, Lucy | Adelaide Mountain Bike Club |
MENTOR | FARMER, Sebastian | insideline mtb club |
MENTOR | JASPER, Mia | Inside Line Inc |
MENTOR | JONES, Matt | Inside Line MTB Club |
MENTOR | KUHLMANN, Andrew | Inside Line mtb club |
MENTOR | MEDDER, Joff | Inside Line mtb club |
MENTOR | O'BRIEN, John | insideline mtb club |
MENTOR | ODANIEL, Anthony | Inside Line mtb club |
MENTOR | TREGONING, Ross | Inside Line mtb club |
MENTOR | WATSON, Aaron | Inside Line and Adelaide mtb club |
SPORT MEN | ATKINSON, Christopher | Gravity Enduro South Australia |
SPORT MEN | CRANAGE, Ryan | Inside Line |
SPORT MEN | EVANS, Aydan | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
SPORT MEN | GREEN, Douglas | Gravity Enduro South Australia |
SPORT MEN | HILLS, Ian | Inside Line MTB Club |
SPORT MEN | KENNY, Michael | Inside Line mtb club |
SPORT MEN | ROHRLACH, Benjamin | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
SPORT MEN | TEMPLE, Sam | Inside Line mtb club |
SPORT MEN | ZIERSCH, Nahum | Inside Line Inc |
SPORT WOMEN | ATKINS, Layla | Narooma Mountain Bike Club |
SPORT WOMEN | MEDDER, Brieanna | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 13 MEN | ATKINSON, Kaiden | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 13 MEN | BAKER, Henry | Gravity Enduro SA |
UNDER 13 MEN | BUTLER, Harry | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 13 MEN | FREEBAIRN, Austin | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 13 MEN | HARVEY, Nathan | Inside Line |
UNDER 13 MEN | HOUSLEY, Asher | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 13 MEN | KERR, Elvis | Inside Line |
UNDER 13 MEN | KEYNES, Samuel | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 13 MEN | LADHAMS, Heath | Happy Valley Bmx Club |
UNDER 13 MEN | MADDEN, Hugo | Inside Line |
UNDER 13 MEN | MALPAS, Xavier | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 13 MEN | MARTINS, Louis | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 13 MEN | NORRIS, Braxton | Inside Line |
UNDER 13 MEN | PARR, Xavian | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 13 MEN | RICE, Charlie | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 13 MEN | ROESLER, Sebastian | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 13 MEN | STUBING, Henry | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 13 MEN | TRUE, Hudson | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 13 MEN | VENNING, Baylem | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 13 MEN | WHITE-LOIZOU, Nicholas | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 13 MEN | YAP, Jaqob Adam | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 13 WOMEN | ATKINSON, Em | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 13 WOMEN | LAMB, Lilly | Cross Keys BMX |
UNDER 15 MEN | BARTLETT, Oscar | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | BATES, Zachary | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | BIDSTRUP, Harrison | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | BREDON, Hugo | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 15 MEN | BROOK-HAWORTH, Koby | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | BURGESS, Kade | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 15 MEN | CAMPBELL, John | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | CHARLTON, Angus | Inside Line |
UNDER 15 MEN | COULTER, Luke | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | CROSSMAN, Harry | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 15 MEN | DENWOOD, Louis | Inside Line |
UNDER 15 MEN | DHUNDUP, Dhawa | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | FREEBAIRN, Tom | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | GLADIGAU, Aaron | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 15 MEN | HARPER, Jack | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | HARRISON, William | Mount Gambier Mountain Bike Club Inc. |
UNDER 15 MEN | HARVEY, Cameron | Inside Line |
UNDER 15 MEN | HICKS, Mitchell | Adelaide mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | HOUSLEY, Koby | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | HUTCHINS, Isaac | Inside Line |
UNDER 15 MEN | JARITZ, Rhys | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | KONDOPRIAS, James | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | KROON, Aidan | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | LAMBERT-PILL, Ethan | Gravity Enduro SA |
UNDER 15 MEN | LANGELUDDECKE, Fletcher | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | LUNN, Marley | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 15 MEN | MANARIOTIS, Nicolas | Club – Inside Line |
UNDER 15 MEN | MARAFIOTI, Maximo | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | MCKENNA, Max | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | MCNEIL, Jay | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 15 MEN | MILLARD, Hugo | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 15 MEN | MULALIC, Djett | Inside Line |
UNDER 15 MEN | NORRIS, Chase | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | OOI, Raiden | Independant |
UNDER 15 MEN | ORME, Andrew | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | ORME, William | insideline mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | OTTEWILL, Ash | Inside Line |
UNDER 15 MEN | PAXTON, Dorian | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | PONTIFEX, Max | Gravity Enduro SA |
UNDER 15 MEN | PRENTICE, Ned | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | ROBINSON, Nate | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | ROWSON, Tyler | Inside Line |
UNDER 15 MEN | RUCHIN, Max | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | SARTOR, Zack | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | SHEA, Harry | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | SIMPSON, Ryan | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | SMITH, Jordan | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | SNEWIN, Brodie | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | TURNER, Lucas | Cross Keys BMX |
UNDER 15 MEN | VAN LIESHOUT, Blake | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | VENNING, Harvi | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 15 MEN | VITALE, Oscar | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 15 MEN | WALTON, Cody | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 MEN | WRIGHT, Bailey | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 WOMEN | EDWARDS, Mackenzie Edwards | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 15 WOMEN | FLAVELL, Lucinda | Gravity Enduro South Australia |
UNDER 17 MEN | ALLANSON, Lucas | Inside Line |
UNDER 17 MEN | ALTAMURA, James | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | ASHTON, Jaxon | Adelaide Mountain Bike Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | ATKINS, Riley | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 17 MEN | BALDOCK, Jesse | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | BARROWCLIFF, Connor | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | BLOEM, Julian | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | CARVALHO, Nathan | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | CHRISTIE, Zachary | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | COLLINS, Caleb | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | COOK, Angus | Inside Line |
UNDER 17 MEN | COULTER, Vejay | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | COX, Jacob | Inside Line |
UNDER 17 MEN | CROCKER, Liam | Inside Line |
UNDER 17 MEN | DONALD, Cooper | GESA |
UNDER 17 MEN | ENRIGHT, Jayden | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 17 MEN | FARROW, Christian | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | FAZZALARI, Alex | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | FELIPE, Julien | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | FISTR, Ethan | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | FLAVELL, Cameron | Gravity Enduro South Australia |
UNDER 17 MEN | GARDNER, Harry | Adelaide Cycling Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | GREEN, Angus | Adelaide MTB Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | GREENWOOD, Lochlan | Adelaide MTB Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | GREIG, Cooper | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | HOOD, Beau | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | KAESLER, Lachlan | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 17 MEN | KOLOMITSEV, Cato | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | KRAHNERT, Max | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | LAMOND, Luke | Inside Line |
UNDER 17 MEN | LARKIN, Henry | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | LEE, Jaxon | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | MARTIN, Dylan | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | MCCANN, March | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 17 MEN | MCKAY, Jacob | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | METCALFE, Brad | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | MIKULIC, Matija | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | MILLARD, Edward | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 17 MEN | MILWAY, Charlie | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | OLIVER, Dexter | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | PEARCE, Jett | Inside Line |
UNDER 17 MEN | PINKSTERBOER, Evangelos | Norwood CC |
UNDER 17 MEN | ROBERTS, Hunter | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | ROGERS, Liam | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | SCHIRMER, Serjio | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | SIDHU, Mansirat | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | SIMPSON, Brandon | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | SMITH, Archie | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | SOUTH, Asher | Inside Line |
UNDER 17 MEN | STEFANIAK, Geoffrey | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | STEPHENS, Kasey | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | STRAWBRIDGE, Kade | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | THOMAS, Jamie | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | VARNHAM-HARRISON, Ryan | Inside Line |
UNDER 17 MEN | VENNING, Kingston | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | VERRALL, Harry | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | VERRI, Travis | Inside Line MTB Club |
UNDER 17 MEN | WALKER, Riley | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 MEN | WILLIAMSON, James | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | WRIGHT, Lance | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 17 MEN | YEEND, Jackson | Gravity Enduro South Australia |
UNDER 17 WOMEN | KWIATKOWSKI, Emily | Gravity Girls |
UNDER 17 WOMEN | MAAZ, Emily | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 17 WOMEN | REID, Amelia | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |
UNDER 19 MEN | ALLISON, Brodie | Inside Line mtb club |
UNDER 19 MEN | GIBBINS, Alexander | Adelaide Mountain Bike Club |
UNDER 19 MEN | GREGOR, Jack | Inside Line Inc |
UNDER 19 MEN | GREGORY, Balin | Gravity Enduro South Australia |
UNDER 19 MEN | KELLOCK, Riley | Inside line down hill mountain bike club |