- Date
- Thu, 30 Nov 2023
- Format
- Motorpacing
- Course
- Smith Park, Manunda
- Entries open
Wed, 29 Nov 2023 6:00 PM AEST
- Entries close
- Thu, 30 Nov 2023 6:45 PM AEST
- Pay online by
- Thu, 30 Nov 2023 6:45 PM AEST
NB: Track Bikes Only

To help with a safe return to racing, we are implementing the following procedures to help with social distancing requirements;
Pre-entry: - To minimise the need for cash, please enter thru EntryBoss. We'll leave the event open to just prior the event.
Waitlisting: - we'll manage attendance numbers using waitlisting within EB
- Social Distancing: - please respect the 1.5m social distancing guidelines
Sanitiser - Santiser will be made available. Please be careful not to touch surfaces unnecessarily
Hand Washing: - for the safety of yourself & everyone else, please ensure you are washing your hands thoroughly and regularly.
Pre-entry only. - If you are entering late, we still ask you enter and pay using EntryBoss on your phone.
Pre-Entry Pricing |
Seniors/Juniors $10 |
See you down there!
Smith Park Velodrome
4 Keeble St, Mooroobool QLD 4870
Cairns Cycling Club
Em: secretary@cairnscyclingclub.com.au
Web: https://www.cairnscyclingclub.com.au/