We are taking COVID-19 restrictions seriously.
By entering this event, you agree to the following:
40 Km 2 x 20km Laps of the Mt Larcom road circuit Race Entries Close 6pm the night before the event.
Location: MT Larcom https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mount+Larcom+QLD+4695/@-23.8107159,150.9783465,16.96z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x6bc26a332444cdb7:0x400eef17f20c810!8m2!3d-23.8106325!4d150.9798706
Number Pick up Opens: 7:00AM
Racing starts: 7:30AM
Riders to attend race briefing at 7.15AM
What is a Graded Handicap All groups start based on grading (A, B, C,D) with D grade starting first and the following grades start based on handicap timing. Rider who crosses the line first is awarded victory.
We will be operating under a Police Permit, so please obey all road rules and instructions given to you by your Commissaires on the day at the compulsory race briefing.
Grade | Distance | Start Time |
Combined | 40 km 2 Laps | 7:30AM |
Presentations | On Completion | 9:00AM |
All Riders: $10
Already entered and now can't make it?
Please use the Scratching function in EntryBoss for an automated refund. Please be certain to keep on eye on the scratching cut-off.
The Family discount system operates on trust.
Please use the following promo codes at entry to trigger the appropriate family discount for your circumstances.
Family Member Count | Comment | Code |
First 2 riders | Standard pricing applies | |
3rd rider | $5 entry | 3RD |
4th+ riders | 4th plus riders are free | 4THPLUS |
AusCycling Racing Membership is required.
For overseas riders, an international UCI License will be accepted.
e: cqvetscyclismo@gmail.com
f: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1162747653857452
Online pricing:
A payment card fee may apply (calculated at checkout).