AusCycling (Queensland)
Balmoral Metropolitan Championships - Criterium

Sat, 13 May 2023
Albert Bishop Park, Nundah
Entries open
Wed, 22 Mar 2023 7:00 AM AEST
Entries close
Tue, 09 May 2023 11:59 PM AEST
Pay online by
Tue, 09 May 2023 11:59 PM AEST

This listing is for entry in the criterium. For the Sunday road race, click here



Format: Criterium
Venue: Albert Bishop Park, Nundah
Entries close: 7th May 23:59pm. NO LATE ENTRIES.
Grading: As per AusCycling Queensland grading policy.
Start times: From 8am

Categories & fees

Elite Men A/B/C.
Masters Men A-D.
Women A-D.

Crit RR Both
Elite Men $30 $90 $110
Masters Men $30 $90 $110
Women $30 $90 $110
U17 M&F $30 $90 $110
U15 M&F $15
U9/U13 M&F $10

For those racing both the RR and Criterium, there's a two-race deal! Just enter (and pay) for one, and then the other. We'll apply the discount automatically before checkout of the second event.

Race Schedule

Category Distance Start Time
Elite A 60 mins + 2 laps 7.00am
Elite B 45 mins + 2 laps 8.10am
Elite C 30 mins + 2 laps 8.11am
Masters B 40 mins + 2 laps 9.05am
Masters D 25 mins + 2 laps 9.06am
Masters A 45 mins + 2 laps 9.55am
Masters C 30 mins + 2 laps 9.56am
Women A 40 mins + 2 laps 10.50am
Women D 25 mins + 2 laps 10.51am
Women B 30 mins + 2 laps 11.40am
Women C 30 mins + 2 laps 11.41am
Under 9 B & G 10 mins + 2 laps 12.20pm
Under 11 B & G 15 mins + 2 laps 12.20pm
Under 15 B & G 20 mins + 2 laps 12.45pm
Under 13 B & G 15 mins + 2 laps 12.46pm

*There will be a separate race for U17M (at the same time as Elite C). U17W will race in their open category as determined by AC with a separate podium if there are more than five (5) U17W in a race, or we will award the 1st unplaced U17W if there are less than five (5) U17W in a race

Additional Information

Club Website:

Prize money (subject to number of entries) for podium places in each category in each event. Prizes for juniors. Equal prize money Elite A Men and Women. KOM/QOM awarded for road race. Overall GC awards. U17 women race in appropriate women’s grades.

For more information go to: or Balmoral Metros Facebook page

Scratching & Refunds: please scratch within scratching cut-off for automated refund through EntryBoss.

Images Images taken during this event are owned by AusCycling. These images can be used for promotional purposes without any further consent being required. For further information please see the AusCycling Membership Terms and Conditions. If you do not want your image used, please opt out by emailing

Race Enquiries

Balmoral Cycling Club

Race Director
Gehann Molachino 0438 132 332

Entry & Grading Enquiries

AusCycling - Brisbane Office

Entry prices

Online pricing:

Seniors U17+
Actions available