Published at: Sat, 21 May 2022 1:33 PM AEST as provisional startlist - subject to change.
Category | Participant | Club/Team |
A | BAUMEISTER SCHOENIAN, Marvin | Townsville Cycle Club |
A | DURKIN, Michael | Townsville Cycle Club |
A | ENTRIKEN, Jonathan | Townsville Cycle Club |
A | LAWES, Ben | Townsville Cycle Club |
A | MARCUS, Shane | Townsville Cycle Club |
A | MASON, Bevan | Townsville Cycle Club |
A | MCDONALD, Callum | Townsville Cycle Club |
A | RUBACH, Jeff | Cycling Queensland |
A | RYAN, Zac | Townsville Cycle Club |
B | DE HAAN, Martin | TCC |
B | FON, Luka | Townsville Cycle Club |
B | GROVER, Tim | Townsville Cycle Club and Townsville Rockwheelers |
B | KERSWELL, Euan | Townsville Cycle Club |
B | KIDD, Andrew | Townsville Cycling Club |
B | LANE, Stephen | Townsville Cycle Club |
B | O'CALLAGHAN, Mark | Townsville Cycle Club |
B | OLSEN, Chris | Townsville Rockwheelers |
B | TETLEY, Stephen | Townsville Cycling Club |
C | BATES, Robert | Townsville Cycle Club |
C | BROADFOOT, Dan | Townsville Rockwheelers |
C | CLEASBY, Nathan | Townsville Cycling Club |
C | CLEM, James | TCC |
C | DYSON, Brett | ADF Cycling |
C | ELLIS, Daniel | Townsville Cycle Club |
C | HAINSWORTH, Alan | Byron Bay Cycle Club |
C | MCCAFFERTY, Trent | ADF Cycling Club |
C | MILLER, Daniel | Townsville Cycle Club |
C | NEWITT, Adrian | Townsville Cycle Club |
C | PURDON, Lance | ADF Cycling |
C | PYERS, Mark | Townsville Cycle Club |
C | RADEMAKER, Tim | Townsville Cycle Club |
C | ROMEO, Mario | townsville |
C | THOMAS, Alfred | Townsville Cycling Club |
C | TUCKER, Andrew | Townsville |
D | FRAZER, David | Townsville Cycle Club |
D | HADLEY, Linden | Townsville Cycle Club |
D | HARRIS, Matthew | Townsville Cycle Club |
D | HEALY, James | Townsville Cycle Club |
D | MORAN, Andrew | Townsville Cycling Club |
D | O'NEILL, Gary | Townsville |
D | SMITH, Jason | Townsville Cycle Club |
D | RAY, Rocket | Townsville Cycle Club |
DIV1 | BROOKS, Mala | Townsville |
DIV1 | DIXON-GROVER, Nicholas | Townsville Cycling Club |
DIV1 | GIBBS, Mikayla | Balmoral Cycling Club/Hamilton Wheelers Cycling Club |
DIV1 | MONTEITH, Sienna | Balmoral Cycling Club |
DIV2 | HESSION, Vivian | Townsville Cycling Club |
DIV2 | SMITH, Jye | Townsville Cycle Club |
U17B | GIBBS, Kyle | Balmoral Cycle Club |
U17B | GOODWILL, Henry | Townsville Cycle Club |
U17W | RADFORD, Angela | Townsville Cycle Club |
WB | CORSET, Stephanie | Townsville Cycle Club |
WB | DOOLAN, Amanda | Townsville Cycle Club |
WB | MCDONALD, Briana | Women’s Racing Project |
WC | BROADFOOT, Jodi | Townsville Cycling Club |
WC | COCHRANE, Jayde | Townsville Cycle Club and Townsville Rockwheelers |
WD | GOREY, Kat | Townsville Cycle Club |
WD | OCKENDEN, Vicki | Townsville Cycle Club |