Startlist for HCC Summer Criterium #14

Published at: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 6:11 PM AEDT as provisional startlist - subject to change.

Category Participant Club/Team
A BELL, Nicholas Brunswick Cycling Club
A BENSON, Dylan Hawthorn Cycling Club
A BROWNING, Fergus Footscray Cycling Club
A CULEY, Marcus Northern Sydney CC
A DOYLE, Rob Alpine Cycling Club
A FORBES, James Carnegie Caulfield CC
A GREENWOOD, Sam Hawthorn Cycling Club
A HARGREAVES, Chris Hawthorn Cycling Club
A HORE, Terance Carnegie Caulfield CC
A MOREY, Drew Carnegie Caulfield CC
A MOSBEY, Rilyn Hawthorn Cycling Club
A NAPPER, Richard Brunswick Cycling Club
A NIQUET-OLDEN, Bentley Carnegie Caulfield CC
A O'BRIEN, Mark Carnegie Caulfield CC
A PRESLEY, Sebastian St Kilda Cycling Club
A ROSS, Mathew Carnegie Caulfield CC
A TURNBULL, Carter Carnegie Caufield Cycling Club
A WHITE, Nicholas Hawthorn Cycling Club
B BANTICK, Brady Southern Masters Cycling Club
B BARLOW, Matt Hawthorn Cycling Club
B BUTLER, Tom Brunswick Cycling Club
B DANIEL, Morgan Brunswick Cycling Club
B DARLING, Stuart Wagga Wagga CC
B DOGAN, Tate Hawthorn Cycling Club
B DOWNING, Michael Brunswick Cycling Club
B DUNN, James Geelong Cycling Club
B FLACK, Steve Carnegie Caulfield CC
B GALLAGHER, Tom Carnegie Caulfield CC
B JEFFS, Michael St Kilda Cycling Club
B JOHNSON, Daniel Seymour Broadford Cycling Club
B KATRIS, Alex Hawthorn Cycling Club
B KELLY, Zac Camberwell grammar school
B KOUNNAPIS, Kerry Brunswick Cycling Club
B LIM, Alan Hawthorn Cycling Club
B LIVEROED, Anders Hawthorn Cycling Club
B O'KEEFE, Patrick Hawthorn Cycling Club
B O'KEEFFE, Andrew Hawthorn Cycling Club
B WALKER, Dominic Coburg Cycling Club
B WOOD, Suzy Hawthorn Cycling Club
C AUNG, Sai Htin Carnegie Caulfield CC
C BAYLISS, Mitchell Hawthorn Cycling Club
C BONNETT, Fiona Vikings Cycling Club ACT
C BOWER, Rory Brunswick Cycling Club
C CHAPLIN, Jack Caufield Carnegie Cycling Club
C DEMPSEY, Luke Footscray Cycling Club
C GOLDSCHMIEDT, Ari Carnegie Caulfield CC
C HUGHES, John Hawthorn Cycling Club
C LOUGHBROUGH, Roger Hawthorn Cycling Club
C MARTINUCCI, Paul Brunswick Cycling Club
C O’SHANNESSY, Liam Brunswick Cycling Club
C PARR, Robert Caufield Carnegie Cycling Club
C RALEIGH, Oliver Hawthorn Cycling Club
C SANDBERG, David Hawthorn Cycling Club
C SHAW, Peter Hawthorn Cycling Club
C STRETTON, Lachlan Swan Drafting Cycle Club Inc
C THOMAS, Charles Hawthorn Cycling Club
C TYLER KING, Tom Coburg Cycling Club
C VON WYSS, Oskar Hawthorn Cycling Club
C WEBBER, Tim Hawthorn Cycling Club
C WHEELER, Baden Hawthorn Cycling Club
C WILSON, Alfred Hawthorn Cycling Club
D ALLEN, Ross Hawthorn Cycling Club
D BOYD, Angus Brunswick Cycling Club
D BREMAN, Jeddah Castlemaine Rocky Riders
D BULLEN, Andrew Knights Of Suburbia
D CRESWELL, Will None yet
D GELDARD, Sam Hawthorn Cycling Club
D HOUSE, Ben 4 week free trial
D JACKSON, Mal Coburg Cycling Club
D MAXWELL-DAVIS, Jack Hawthorn Cycling Club
D MCDONALD, Alistair Footscray Cycling Club
D ROBINSON, James Carnegie Caulfield CC
D TEPPER, Joshua Footscray Cycling Club
JUNIOR_A DIMATTINA, Declan Hawthorn Cycling Club
JUNIOR_A WAIN, Sam Carnegie Caulfield CC
JUNIOR_A WALTON, Jordy Carnegie Caulfield CC
JUNIOR_B MOORE, Maximus Hawthorn Cycling Club
JUNIOR_B THOMAS, Oliver Hawthorn Cycling Club