Entry nominations in Shimano Sydney Thousand 40th Anniversary Track Carnival - Tempe 31 Jan 05:44

This is a live list of nominations as they come in. It is not a start list. Nominations, grades and categories may change without notice at event organiser discretion, without those changes being reflected here.

Official start lists may appear later here on EntryBoss or on the AusCycling (New South Wales) website.

Name Status Events
STEINER, Oscar Entered Juniors (1)
JAKOBSEN, Gabriel Entered Juniors (1)
BRADSHAW, Wynter Entered Juniors (1)
SZKUDLAREK, Elliott Entered Juniors (1)
SZKUDLAREK, Oscar Entered Juniors (1)
TSELIKAS, Johnny Entered Carnival, UCI Keirin, UCI Sprint (3)
SAMUEL, Daniel Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
SAMUEL, Peter Entered Juniors (1)
SHEPARD, Tomas Entered Juniors (1)
DAGG, Sylvia Entered Juniors (1)
ALLEN, Christopher Entered UCI Sprint (1)
ALLEN, Thomas Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
ALLEN, James Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
ALLEN, Lucy Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
LINDLEY, Ryder Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
PAPPAS, Sophie Entered UCI Omnium, Carnival (2)
NICOLAOU, Amelia Entered Juniors (1)
ANTONINI, Max Entered Juniors (1)
ZANCHETTA, Rafael Entered Carnival (1)
LILBURNE, Ben Entered Carnival (1)
SMITH, Buddy Entered Juniors (1)
TUCKER, Darrin Entered Carnival (1)
NOTARO, Rodrigo Entered Carnival (1)
SMITH, Tobin Entered Juniors (1)
PINK-ROBINS, Indira Entered Juniors (1)
TAYLOR, Sinclair Entered Carnival (1)
TAYLOR, Annie Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
TAYLOR, Ollie Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
BUI, James Entered Juniors (1)
APPS, Elsie Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Omnium, UCI Keirin, Juniors, Carnival (5)
O'SHAUGHNESSY, Lucy Entered Carnival (1)
WILSON, Geoff Entered Carnival (1)
PRINCE, Sorelle Entered Carnival (1)
MAYE, Zoe Entered Juniors (1)
MAYE, Patrick Entered Juniors (1)
LOVETT, Cadel Entered UCI Omnium, Carnival (2)
LOVETT, Charlotte Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
DOLE, Tahlia Entered UCI Omnium (1)
DRUMMOND, Keira Entered Juniors (1)
BOLTON, Tom Entered UCI Omnium, Carnival (2)
ALCOCK, Hugo Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
ASHPOLE, Caleb Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
ALCOCK, Grace Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
ALCOCK, Charles Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
GALLAGHER, Jenna Entered Juniors (1)
VETISCH, Sonia Entered Juniors (1)
GALLAGHER, Sam Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
STEVENSON, Andrew Entered Carnival (1)
MCGILL, Molly Entered UCI Keirin, UCI Sprint (2)
MADDERN, Jade Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
HAYDON-SMITH, Rohan Entered UCI Omnium (1)
ANDERSON, Ben Entered UCI Omnium, Carnival (2)
DALE, Charles Entered Carnival, UCI Sprint (2)
DALE, Olive Entered Juniors (1)
DALE, Art Entered Juniors (1)
BARNES, Hugo Entered Juniors (1)
CHALLINOR, Harvey Entered Juniors (1)
BUERGER, Sara Entered Juniors (1)
ABSHIRE, Lance Entered UCI Omnium, Carnival (2)
FOX, Lizanne Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
ROWLEY, Conor Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin (2)
REEVE, Jessica Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Omnium, UCI Keirin, Carnival (4)
BLINCO, Deneaka Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
PHILLIPS, Alexis Entered Juniors (1)
POLLARD, Ned Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
HENWOOD, Darcy Entered Juniors (1)
STIRLING, Nate Entered Juniors (1)
MILLWOOD, Martin Entered Carnival (1)
STEVENS, Emma Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
DAVIES, Byron Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin (2)
EATHER, Dylan Entered UCI Omnium (1)
EATHER, Kurt Entered UCI Omnium, Carnival (2)
CANNON, Jeremy Entered Carnival, Juniors (2)
PETTETT, Hannah Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
ROGERS, Cameron Entered UCI Omnium, Carnival (2)
ELLIOTT, Ryan Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin (2)
SMITH, Juno Entered Juniors (1)
WITHINGTON, Angus Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
DELL, Anderson Entered Juniors (1)
DELL, Hayley Entered Juniors (1)
BRADSHAW, Milan Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Omnium, UCI Keirin, Juniors, Carnival (5)
BRADSHAW, Harley Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
WATCH, Emily Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
MOORE, Joshua Entered Juniors (1)
SMITH, Charlie Entered Carnival, Juniors (2)
JONKER, Kerry Entered UCI Omnium (1)
FINKBEINER, Cooper Entered Juniors, Carnival (2)
KINNAIRD, Callum Entered Carnival (1)
HALE, Matt Entered Carnival (1)
BROWNE, David Entered Carnival (1)
WILL, Keira Entered UCI Omnium, Carnival (2)
TAYLOR, Ross Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
NGUYEN, John Entered Carnival (1)
MORRESKI, Craig Entered Carnival (1)
BENNETT, Eliza Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin, Carnival (3)
TOMLINSON, Justin Entered Carnival (1)
SIMPSON, Chris Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Omnium, UCI Keirin, Carnival (4)
PRINCE, Isobel Entered Juniors (1)
PRINCE, Erin Entered Juniors (1)
SHEPARD, Ruben Entered Juniors (1)
DUBIER, Anna Entered Juniors (1)
BLAND, Xavier Entered Carnival, UCI Keirin, UCI Omnium, UCI Sprint (4)
CLARK, Tomasin Scratched UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin (2)
ROSE, Caitlin Entered Juniors (1)
DILLON, Maya Entered Carnival, UCI Keirin, UCI Sprint (3)
TATARINOFF, Liliya Entered Carnival, UCI Keirin, UCI Sprint (3)
TROVAS, John Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin (2)
ROWLING, Hudson Scratched Juniors (1)
ROWLING, Indigo Entered Juniors (1)
STANTON-KEIR, Jaydan Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Omnium, UCI Keirin (3)
GODBY, Maddie Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin (2)
MASON, John Entered Carnival (1)
HO, Selina Entered UCI Sprint, UCI Keirin (2)
MASON, Noah Entered Carnival, UCI Keirin, UCI Sprint (3)
ROBINSON, Ebony Entered Juniors (1)
NEMILOSTIVIJS, George Entered UCI Omnium (1)
GOLTMAN, Liam Scratched UCI Omnium, UCI Keirin (2)
GOLTMAN, Kai Entered Carnival, UCI Keirin, UCI Omnium (3)
ZUCCHIATTI, James Entered Carnival, Juniors (2)
ZUCCHIATTI, Luca Entered Juniors (1)