Please help the Handicappers by selecting your normal scratch grade at entry and providing a comment.
This self-assessment helps create an initial grouping of riders by ability.
The handicappers will then go to work building the race and assigning groups and marks based on entries.
Race Format: Road Race - Graded Scratch Races
Circuit: Windmill 17.7km a lap A-C = 3 laps/52.5km D-F = 2 laps/35kms Course Map here
Start Time: 10.00am for all grades
*Race Fee: *$20.00 (please note we prefer online payment if possible)
Grades: Riders are requested to provide a Grade and a 'Level to assist with handicapping.
Scratchings: Entrants can withdraw with a self-serve, automated refund with EntryBoss prior to the scratching cut-off at 4pm Thursday
Must be a member or Add-On member: Eureka Cycling Club, Northern Cycling Club, Geelong Surf Coast Cycling Club
Registration at the Eureka CC Club rooms at Corner Foreshore Road and Outlet Road Learmonth VIC 3350
Male and Female change rooms and toilets at the club rooms.
Refreshments will be supplied post race.
Presentations will be back at club rooms at completion of the last event.
Transponders are not being used for this event.
Online pricing:
A payment card fee of $0.55 will be applied.