The COVID-19 environment has evolved in 2022 and restrictions in relation to participation & spectator requirements are fluid. Therefore, we are adopting the AusCycling COVID-19 Resource Centre guidelines.
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Follow our Facebook public page HERE
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Checkout our website HERE
Please leave a useful comment to help the handicappers confirm you are in the correct grade.
For handicap races, please select your normal scratch grade to help the handicappers with an initial grouping of riders. Handicappers then determine your mark after review of the other entrants. Your mark will be confirmed via the Startlist published after scratchings close.
Need to withdrawal from the event? EntrvBoss enables a self-serve refund if things change and you can't make the event. Please use the 'Scratch' button to trigger a refund and automatically remove yourself from the starlist. (Please note the scratching cut-off time as the button is not available after this)..
As a matter of consideration - if you do scratch, please find time to send a message to handicapper or post per Messenger as this can assist with the handicap groupings on the day. Thank you!
OUTER HARBOUR AMCC Circuit Divison 1 (50km) & 2 (40 km) groups will be organised depending on number of riders nominating.
If numbers are low (<30), we will look at running one division and post changes per our Facebook Page. Watch this space.
If you have any questions or need some help? Contact us HERE
Online pricing: